Common Procedures

  • Male Birth Control

    Vasectomy is a safe, effective, and permanent method of contraception. It should be considered in men who wish for:

    • Permanent contraception
    • no preparation before or during sex
    • A high success rate and low risk of complication
    • no other children

    What is a Vasectomy?

    Sperm are produced in the testicles before moving into the epididymis, which sits on the back surface of each testicle. These sperm remain in the epididymis where they mature. The sperm then travels up each vas and are expelled at the time of ejaculation in the semen.

    When a vasectomy is performed, the vas deferens are cut and sealed, preventing sperm from leaving the epididymis. This way, no sperm are expelled from the penis at the time of ejaculation.

    If you would like more specific information on Vasectomy please view one of the following pages. If what you are looking for is not there, please don’t hesitate to give us a call today. We are more than happy to help you & educate you.

    Vasectomy success rates

    Vasectomy is successful in more than 99 percent of men. Other methods of contraception are required until a semen analysis confirms there are no sperm in the semen.

    The sperm count is checked approximately three months after the procedure. A man needs to have had at least 20 ejaculations after vasectomy to clear the ducts of sperm.

    If the semen analysis shows sperm that do not move there is a small chance that a pregnancy may occur. Other methods of contraception should be continued until a clear test result is completed

    Vasectomy Procedure

    Men who are considering a vasectomy have a consultation before the procedure. At this appointment, the doctor will explain the procedure and answer any questions.

    Vasectomies can be performed under a local or general anaesthetic. There will be a small scar from the incision but this will not be very noticeable once it has healed.

    After the Procedure

    You may go home shortly after your procedure. Preferably someone else should drive you home.

    • Rest is an important factor for a smooth recovery
    • Ice pack for 20 minutes every two hours.
    • Avoid strenuous exercise or lifting for seven days.
    • Do not bathe or swim for 24 hours after your procedure.
    • Sexual intercourse may be resumed after one week however other methods of contraception
      are required until you have had a clear semen analysis.

    Pain control following Vasectomy

    After the vasectomy, there may be some discomfort at the incision site. This can be relieved with a pain medication such as paracetamol. Ibuprofen and aspirin should be avoided for at least one week to minimise the risk of bruising and bleeding around the incision.

    Semen tests

    You are not clear to discontinue the use of other forms of contraception until you have been formally advised that you have achieved a zero sperm count at least three months and a minimum of 20 ejaculations following surgery.

    Health effects of Vasectomy

    Sex drive

    Having a vasectomy will not affect testosterone levels, sex drive, or the ability to have an erection.

    Risk of cancer

    Although there have been some concerns regarding a link between vasectomy and prostate and testicular cancer, several large studies suggest that there is no increased risk of any cancer. Heart disease – similar to the situation with cancer, despite some concerns, studies have not found any link between vasectomy and heart disease.

    Contraception after a vasectomy

    If the semen analysis shows no evidence of sperm you may discontinue the use of other forms of contraception. Vasectomy does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV.

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